

100% CFM Isolated Whey Protein

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There comes a time when you need a superior product to cover the most strenuous training wear, to overcome that insurmountable barrier and achieve all your goals. WheyLand®, under exhaustive work and study with the most experienced athletes, has developed IsoZero® for this, the definitive isolated protein that will allow you to achieve those goals that have been so far.
Subjected to a state-of-the-art process by ion exchange and low temperature cross flow (CFM), we use the best protein raw material on the market to ensure the highest quality with up to 90% protein purity, 0% sugar and 0% of fat, which ensures you a source of protein raw material to achieve maximum recovery and muscle development.
Thanks to an extremely complete aminogram from its protein raw material, IsoZero® from WheyLand® contains a high concentration of BCAAs and EAAS naturally, without additions or elements that artificially increase your protein percentage.
It is complemented with a matrix of digestive enzymes, Bromelain and Papain as proteolytic enzymes to improve the digestion and assimilation of the protein, and lactase to improve the digestion of lactose, thus becoming the best digestion and assimilation protein on the market.
Forget about everything you’ve tried so far and glimpse new horizons of protein in whey soil with IsoZero®.
  • 100% CFM isolated whey protein of the highest biological value with a complete aminogram in a natural way.
  • 0% fat and sugar intake per intake.
  • Sweetened with stevia and without aspartame.
  • Complemented with digestive enzymes to improve your digestion and assimilation.
  • Without gluten.

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Weight 1 kg

Cappuccino, Cookies & Cream, Madagascar Vanilla, Milk Chocolate, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Field, Brownie Choc, Caramel Custard, Cookies Toffee, Extazy Watermelon, Pineapple Coconut, Pixie Tangerine, White Cookies, White Milkachoc


1 Kg., 2 Kg., 30g, 500g


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